Saturday, May 20, 2006


Today I feel in close touch with the universe. It's a mixture of insufficient sleep and a full day's work done well. I am in the place, workwise, that I know I am meant to be. Not forever, but for now.

I am learning to manage people, volunteers at that. To be clear, supportive, open, and effective with the people in my life, this is the ultimate practice. I'm not sure how long I can hold this asana, but I am going to enjoy it now.

What is your current practice? How do you keep that with you through-out the day?

Loving you,


Monday, May 15, 2006

The Crud

I have the Crud. It began as a sore throat (2days) then sniffles & sneezing (1day). Now my whole neck & haed ache with congestion. Why do all my illnesses lately resolve themselves into abysmal headaches. I went to bed at 5pm yesterday and slept through the night! My co-workers sent me home this morning.

This gave me time, and I don't know what gave me energy, to photograph all the art currently hanging in my apartment. I will post it to my Flickr account this afternoon.

Health & hopscotch!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Community Relations

How do you create community? I know that you are. Each of us makes, accepts, or declines opportunities to engage the beings around us a hundred times a day. Do you pay attention to this?

Each situation has so much to offer. I am helping to run an organic vegetable co-operative. Yes, you can buy tasty fruits and veggies at a good price, but it is the community coming together to create this that makes it a) special and b) possible to do (our prices barely cover our little overhead & labor costs).

I have been less involved with the front end lately, just stepping up to hold more of the back end processes. When I return to our public space I notice a very different, more muted group. There seem to be fewer personal interactions. Or maybe I'm just not touched by them so I don't see the community building interactions? I don't know, but I'm concerned.

I want to bring our community creating aspect to the foreground for our volunteers and cashiers, etc. who are publiclly holding the space for our co-op, but I'm not sure how. Somehow, "hey guys, let's be patient and listen to the whole person, while also continually inviting others to participate" seems too abrupt and "hey remember we're building community" just inadequate.

Stop. Listen. Learn.

Thanks for visiting.

Monday, May 01, 2006

My cats, Independence and Victory, are sleeping all curled together. This is a rare demonstration of litter-mate love. Usually they prefer Pounce and Destroy! games.

My blogsphere peeps, a question-how do I create the right column lists of websites & other blogs I enjoy? Is there a quick set-up option. I want to share the love!